Become a Guest Author
At medicircle, we strive to keep growing our healthcare community of active writers, contributors, thinkers, experts, achievers and experts who love to share their thoughts, information, trends, and experience about topics that are influencing the healthcare ecosystem.
Why is Medicircle the right choice to channelize your writings?
- Medicircle has the viewership of ------- who await for your writings to reach them.
- The subscribers of Medicircle consists of people of every professional caliber in the healthcare ecosystem. From doctors to hospital directors to pharmacists to Healthcare IT professionals everyone's in the circle.
- We have an in-house SEO team that will make sure your articles reach everywhere on the internet, providing information to all the readers.
Types of guest posts we accept
- Articles providing information on the new opening of any startup in or benefitting the healthcare ecosystem.
- Topics that provide information regarding the latest innovations in technology, medical conditions, investments in healthcare etc.
- We also accept listicles, but they should not be promotional for a specific brand/company or promoting your own brand/company in any form.
- Articles indicating any update/forecast.
- Examples: change in any policy, the introduction of any new tax regime, any impending merger/acquisition or controversial issues relating to the healthcare ecosystem.
Guest Post Submission Guidelines
- Ensure that the article is not in the form of a press release or meant for mass consumption or promotions. An article shouldn’t be promoting any particular brand or brands associated with the author directly or indirectly.
- Articles must be shared in .doc or .docx format only.
- Make sure the content is original (not plagiarised). In case we find that your article is plagiarised, your article won’t be published.
- The article word-length should be at least 900 words.
- Inculcate data and add proper references and linkbacks to the source.
- If you want to include linkbacks to your website or blog then ensure that only 2 backlinks are included (One in the article body and one in the author bio).
- Sub-divide the article using pointers and subheads to make it skimmable.
- The article shouldn’t have been published on any other platform before submission to Medicircle. After publication, the article is the sole property of Medicircle and it shouldn’t be republished elsewhere after that.
- We may edit or modify your article a bit if we feel like any word, sentence or a segment is not in sync with our niche.