Learn new ways to live a healthy life with HIV virus and prevent AIDS

Dr. Ketan Ranpariya provides a clear-cut view on HIV and AIDS. He informed that people should not panic and HIC patients can live a normal healthy life with ART treatment. He also mentions the importance of ART therapy for HIV patients.

AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It’s also called advanced HIV infection or late-stage HIV. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is a virus that attacks cells in the immune system (the body’s natural defense against illness). The virus destroys a type of white blood cell in the immune system called a T-helper cell or CD4 cell. It gradually weakens a person’s immune system.

India has the third-largest HIV epidemic with 2.35 million people living with HIV. Of this 1.345 million are receiving ART. There were 69,220 new HIV infections and 58,960 AIDS-related deaths reported in India in 2019. India’s HIV epidemic is driven by sexual transmission. The three states with the highest HIV prevalence, Manipur, Mizoram, and Nagaland, are in the east of the country. India’s HIV epidemic is slowing down. Between 2010 and 2017 new infections declined by 27% and AIDS-related deaths more than halved, falling by 56%. 

World AIDS Day is celebrated every year on December 1 not only to spread awareness about the disease but also to remind the people and the governments that HIV has not gone away. People with HIV can enjoy a long and healthy life by taking antiretroviral treatment (ART). India, with other nations globally, have promised to end AIDS by 2030. 

We at Medicircle are conducting World AIDS Day Awareness Series to educate people about AIDS and its preventive measures from eminent Expert Doctors and Medical professionals.

Dr. Ketan Ranpariya provides his service as an expert on HIV and AIDS at HIV AIDS CLINIC, Surat. Dr. Ketan Ranpariya has always believed that the doctor is not only supposed to cure the patients but is also responsible to prevent the spread of disease in the community. With this intention, Dr. Ketan Ranpariya pioneered the Zindagi Foundation and is presently working for public awareness for HIV, AIDS, and STD. To fight against the misbeliefs and stigma he runs a campaign on YouTube where Dr. Ketan Ranpariya spreads awareness and clears doubts and confusion of the whole community.

Difference and similarities between AIDS and HIV

Dr. Ketan Ranpariya informs, “HIV and AIDS are connected to each other but not the same. HIV is a virus that spreads from one person to another through - 

Blood transfusion  Injectable drug abuser Mother to newborn transmission at birth or breastfeeding  Unprotected Sexual transmission 

These are 4 modes of transmission which attack the CD4 count and immune system. The normal range is 400-1500. HIV attacks the immune system by depleting the CD4 count. Lab tests with CD4 count can be detected in 3 - 6 months' time. There are different types of tests with a 2 week to 4 months window period. When the CD4 count is reduced below 400, then there are problems related to HIV. A CD4 count below 400 is critical for patients. The low CD4 count can cause - 

Tb  Pneumonia  Cancer

Many people avoid treatment for HIV which may result in a very lower CD4 count.”

How to confirm AIDS?

Dr. Ketan Ranpariya informs, “These are sure- shot ways to confirm AIDS- 

Positive HIV report  CD4 should be below 200 Serious comorbidities 

Confirmation of all these three points, means you have AIDS. However, if there is only one aspect present, it means you are HIV positive. If HIV patients are left untreated then it will lead to the final stage of AIDS.”

Treatment for HIV

Dr. Ketan Ranpariya says, “There is the treatment for HIV. As per research, 3.80 crores of patients have HIV and 2crores people are getting treated for it with allopathy medicines. Medicines cannot kill HIV medicines. The lifespan of the HIV virus with or without medicines lives for 1 -2 days only and then dies on its own. However, the HIV virus multiplies at a speedy rate in 1 -2 mins. Medications prevent the multiplication of cells which will reduce the viral load. The viral load of HIV-positive patients is quite high. But with medicines this viral load of HIV reduces. However, during treatment, the viral load may be undetected, which does not mean you are cured. There may be a chance that there is some prevalence of HIV.”

AIDS and HIV cure

Dr. Ketan Ranpariya says, “As per scientific research, HIV virus attacks DNA of human cells and then multiplies. We cannot change HIV but help boost CD4 count. AIDS can be cured and prevented with proper treatment for HIV but you cannot be free from HIV. People misuse knowledge about HIV. HIV has no cure in any field of medicine. The Indian government contributed towards ART therapy. One must take ART treatment for HIV patients. Treatment is possible for HIV but no cure is available. With ART treatment, you can lead a healthy normal life. ”

AIDS is communicable 

Dr. Ketan Ranpariya says, “People avoid going to AIDS and HIV patients in olden days. Countries banned international visas for AIDS and HIV patients. However, in 2009, visas were granted to these people. The general public cannot get infected by HIV-positive patients. Communicable diseases can spread from one person to another. Diabetes is noncommunicable. Corona is contagious. There is no spread in case of HIV positive in terms of social networking other than four modes of transmission. Living with HIV  positive does not spread the virus until actively involved.”

(Edited by Dr.Rati Parwani)


Contributed by Dr. Ketan Ranpariya, Consultant Doctor HIV AIDS CLINIC
Tags : #Aids-Awareness #drketanranpariya #consultantdoctor #aidshivclinic #aids #aidsday #worldaidsday #aidsprevention #aidsfreegeneration #aidsfree #hivpositive #hiv #hivawareness #hivprevention #smitakumar #medicircle

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