People are often worried about the problem of constipation and obesity. They try out various methods to deal with this kind of problem. People are tired of visiting doctors every time. They even invest a lot of money in different medicines. But they get only disappointment. Instead of treating the roots of these problems, they usually keep treating them superficially. Poor metabolism is the main cause of constipation and obesity with increasing age. Reasons for a bad metabolism
With aging, metabolism slows down – There can be many reasons for the bad metabolism. One of them is that as the age advances, metabolism slows down and the body finds it hard to burn calories. With increasing age, the body starts to weaken and does not have the same energy as before. It becomes hard to maintain the desired body weight. Other than this our daily routine plays an important role in disturbing metabolism. Lack of fiber in the diet, lack of water content in the body, not sleeping on time, eating at the wrong time takes you to the verge of destroying your metabolism. Here are some easy ways by which you can boost your metabolism with increasing age
Follow PFC formula for breakfast – For boosting metabolism, there has to be a balanced intake of protein, fiber, and carbohydrates. Protein fiber carbohydrates are the three pillars of food that should be present in every meal. Their balanced proportion helps regulate blood sugar and increases metabolism. A protein-rich breakfast is also important in correcting poor metabolism as protein contains an amino acid that helps in burning calories of the body. You should have fiber-rich fruits in breakfast because fiber contains zero calories which are good for the stomach, strengthens the digestive system, and increases metabolism.
Eat something every two hours - If you eat something every two hours, then both your hunger and blood levels are controlled, and increases metabolism. Not having anything for snacks causes starvation in the body which is not good for metabolism. People believe that eating many times a day is bad for health but is good for metabolism.
Do not reduce calorie intake - If you think that reducing calorie intake will reduce obesity, this is not right and can prove fatal for you. Reducing the number of calories in food means slowing down the metabolism. Your body fights back due to fewer calories. So, stop thinking about calories and take calories according to your body's requirements.
Take care of fat - Not consuming fat at all can be very harmful to the body. So choose healthy fat and consume it.