In winter, our body craves rich food which provides warmth along with nourishment. We need warming foods to satisfy this craving. Any vegetable that takes time to grow, and in which the edible part grows beneath the surface of the ground is usually warming and a good vegetable to eat in winter. Certain dry fruits (dates), nuts and oilseeds (sesame seeds) are also warming. It is also a time of the year when you may want to eat more spices than in the summer months.
Potatoes - Although they have higher sugar content than your regular potato, its nutritional value is way higher. Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fiber, vitamin A, and potassium. Regular consumption can help in curing constipation, improve your immunity and is known to reduce inflammation.
Dates - The lower fat content present in dates helps you to keep your weight in check. They are a powerhouse of nutrients and a must-have for people who go to the gym. Regular intake of dates helps your body to stay warm during winters.
Ragi - The best way for a vegan to consume calcium is to have ragi. Apart from this, ragi helps to control diabetes and anemia. It is known to help with conditions of Insomnia, anxiety and depression.
Almonds and walnuts - Regular intake of almonds and walnuts in winters ensure an active nervous system, improved sensitivity to insulin, a healthy heart and body.
Bajra - Bajra is high in fat, rich in protein and fiber. The high iron content plays a vital role in curing anemia. If consumed on a regular basis, millet can help to strengthen your bones.
Turnip leaves – This is an excellent anti-oxidant that is known to help in reducing the risk of cancer. It is rich in vitamin K and its leaves have a generous content of vitamin A. Consumption of turnip and its leaves will help your body to improve your overall cardiovascular health apart from strengthening your bones and improving your digestion.