Let's face the fact - we all know that losing weight makes us feel healthier. It is a must for everyday life. In fact, losing weight helps you to be healthy. While you are trying to lose weight, carrying those pounds initially can be heavier. The bottom line is being overweight is not healthy.
Here are some benefits of dropping the pounds and the inches can make you feel healthy
Lower risk of heart disease Extends life span- More healthy years to live Reduces bad cholesterol Lowers risk of other diseases and disorders Lowers risk of certain cancers Relieves joint muscle pain Relieve aching joint painLosing weight can also benefits other aspects of your life like:
Improving your self-esteem Improving your confidence Positive impact on mental health Boost memory power Boosts brain health Increases happiness Increases desire to work Makes you active and energetic in life Makes you think positiveNow it's your choice whether you want to lose weight and live a healthier life with a great future or stick to those extra pounds which will make you prone to diseases and disorders.
Here is a weight loss inspirational story of a girl suffering from PCOS
A patient having initial Miss. JK started with complaints of irregular menses right from an age of 23 years. She has a history of menarche at the age of 13 years and was always on the higher side of the weight. Initially, her periods were normal during the teenage years and during the college days. As she completed her graduation and started working for an IT firm which was one of the biggest companies in the corporate world, she was loaded with stress. Now, stress is very normal in everyday life. We all live with stress but how we cope up with stress is very important.
History of the PCOS patient
The Patient did not have any past history of major illness. Obesity was one of the major causes of her hormonal disturbance which led to this problem. Let’s not forget the stress which contributed to the fluctuations of menses. Her height was 165 cm and her weight was 85 kgs. This resulted in a higher BMI (Basal Metabolic Index). On her history taking and case consultation, it was observed that she has cravings for eating salty and sweet food in her diet. HEr digestion power was very slow and was generally constipated. This all was linked and contributed to delayed menses and PCOS problems. With high cravings and defective metabolism, her blood sugar levels and thyroid levels were checked. Thankfully, it was normal. But, it was important to note that obesity could lead to thyroid disorders and diabetes if not controlled at the right time.
Weight loss is a solution to PCOS
The patient started exercising regularly and monitoring her diet. She excluded all fried fatty food, sweets, and salty things. She included whole grains, vegetables, fruits which helped her in losing weight. Initially, 2 weeks was very difficult for her to lose weight. You need that extra push. Once you kickstart your exercise, nobody can stop it. Get addicted to exercise and a healthy lifestyle. After 2 weeks, she was habituated to exercise and a healthy diet which helped her in losing weight. It's important to note that she was consistent for 3 months and delicately worked towards losing weight. Her hormonal balance was restored and her periods were back to normal and regular. She was no longer in a conventional mode of treatment for her irregular menses.