There have been scientific reviews that explain the link between gum (periodontal) disease and mood conditions like anxiety, distress, stress, loneliness, and depression. The reason for this has been cited as extreme depression leading to losing focus on good oral health habits resulting in dental problems. When people are suffering from mental ailments, they tend to skip self-care, skip visits to dental clinics, excessively smoke, and consume unhealthy food and beverages.
Why does our dental health get impacted if we are mentally unwell?
When we are under great stress, our body releases a hormone called cortisol. Our immune system gets weaker due to this hormone. Apart from other ailments, we might suffer from problems like gum inflammation or gum diseases. Not only this, we have the tendency of getting dry mouth if we are on medication for health conditions like anxiety and depression. Cavities get formed in such conditions as plaque, bacteria, and food debris do not get rinsed from teeth due to lack of enough saliva flow.
Many people suffer from eating disorders if they are depressed or suffering with any other mental ailment. People suffering from bulimia experience dental erosion due to frequent vomits. Since they do not eat properly, there is a lack of necessary nutrients in the diet affecting dental health. Some people vigorously brush their teeth due to disorders like bipolar disorders leading to damage of teeth and gums.
Mental ailments should be dealt keeping dental health in the picture as well
The mental health professionals and caregivers should keep on prompting people with mental illnesses to take enough care of themselves. The value of good dental health should be inculcated in such people. The significance of an overall healthy lifestyle should also be inculcated in people suffering from mental ailments.