More people are switching to alternative methods of cure and to relieve pain and stress. There are several products coming up in the market, especially this pandemic. Once such a product that we can see on the high rise is the “immune boosters” for this COVID which has been increasing. Many people are indulging in the herbal extracts of immune boosters to help themselves to fight this pandemic.
Discover Kratom
Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree from Southeast Asia. Kratom is native to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and many other Asian countries. Kratom is a member of the Rubiaceae family. The leaves of Kratom are consumed by chewing, drying, smoking, using tablets or capsules. It can also be used to extract by boiling in the tea. The effects of kratom are unique. The effects of kratom are found effective even in lower doses. The effects of kratom are as follows:
Antidepressant EuphoriaUses of Kratom
The common uses of kratom are as follows
Analgesic to reduce pain Prevent withdrawal from opiates Increase energy levels Reduce fatigue Make you more alert and focus Improve the concentration level Relaxation of body Reduce stress Treatment of opiate withdrawalBut some Asian countries now outlaw its use because of incorrect indulgence in kratom that can be harmful to health.
Kratom has been used for centuries as an alternative therapy for various health issues
Some countries like the USA have been using this herbal product as an alternative therapy to reduce muscle pain, treat diarrhea and prevent opiate withdrawal symptoms and addiction. However, its clinical safety and efficacy cannot be determined, FDA has raised some safety concerns about toxicity and its side effects. Kratom is an herbal compound of Asian evergreen plant that helps the body to break nerve pain in a more natural way. Sometimes it’s difficult to deal with pain in certain conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, this is when you need to take a break from pain killers.
Side effects of Kratom
There are benefits of kratom with related side effects. The mild side effects have been reported among the users which are as follows
Nausea Vomiting Drowsiness Dry mouth Constipation Weight loss Nervousness Respiratory issues Narcotic effect Stimulant effectWhile Kratom has been promoted as a possible solution to opioid addiction, more research needs to verify the claims, its effectiveness, and efficacy. It is important to note that Kratom awareness and research are still in the early stages and this means that its benefits and effects are not well known.
FDA issues alert for the use of kratom
In Feb 2014, the FDA issued an alert to the field staff about detaining imported dietary supplements and bulk dietary ingredients that contain kratom. The FDS continues to warn consumers not to use any products labeled as kratom or containing kratom because of its side effects and dependency in the long run. FDA issues warning and inform that kratom is the new dietary ingredient for which there is inadequate information to provide reasonable assurance to the consumers. It also puts the consumer’s health at risk of side effects, illness, and injury