Baldness is the loss of hair. Baldness is generally associated with old age. Female pattern baldness can put you in emotional distress especially if you are getting bald at a younger age. Hairs are an integral part of the personality and style of a woman. Female baldness can negatively impact one’s self-esteem. It can be acquired (due to environmental factors or external factors) or hereditary.
- Frontal fibrosing alopecia – There is a gradual decrease in the volume of hair on the crown. Most commonly it is seen in men but some older women also suffer from this. It results in a gradual increase in the hairline to eyebrow
distance. - Patchy, scattered pattern bald spots. It may affect your eyebrows too.
- Sudden unexplained hair loss due to some emotional or physical stress and as the symptoms improve, the hair
loss reduces.
- Genetic factors – Women tend to experience this on the top of their crown while men suffer from receding hairline. The hairs get thin at the top of the head.
- Hormonal imbalance – The body’s hormonal level gets disturbed by several conditions like the use of birth control pills, pregnancy, childbirth, and thyroid issues, which can cause female pattern baldness.
- Radiation therapy – The use of radiation on a specific body part or full body can cause hair loss.
- Mental stress – In today’s hectic and complex lifestyle, any kind of physical, mental, or emotional stress can lead
to hair loss. - Side effects of medicines – Certain medicines are there for treating cancer, depression, arthritis, gout, and heart
problems that can cause hair loss. But it differs from person to person. - Salon treatment – Several treatments on hair can destroy the original texture of hairs and can increase hair fall.
Tying tight ponytails, and excess use of sprays, gels, and pins can also cause hair loss. They are easily preventable.
Female pattern baldness is not reversible. But you can stop or reduce hair loss.
There are certain medicines for topical application and oral use that can be given to the patient. Here the important factor is dose. Apart from this hair transplant is a widely used option to regain lost hair back. The procedure is long and complex and requires multiple visits to the Dermatologist and Cosmetologist. This process may take upto one year to see the evident results.
Edited By: Renu Gupta