Covid-19 warm vaccine: Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science (IIS) are working on a specific vaccine for the corona virus. This vaccine will not deteriorate even in high temperatures.Preparations for storage and distribution of corona virus vaccine are in full swing. Storing vaccine is a major challenge in countries with hot climates.
Because most of the vaccine needs to be kept between 2 ° C to 8 ° C temperature. This is called cold-chain management.
However, in the case of corona vaccine, this challenge is even greater. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), developing covid vaccines will need to be kept at temperatures below 0 degrees. But what if there is a vaccine that does not require cold-chain? Indian scientists have prepared one such vaccine for Kovid-19.
Raghavan Varadarajan, professor and biophysicist at IIS, told the BBC that this vaccine was tested on animals. The initial test has yielded ‘good results’. Now Raghavan’s team is awaiting funding for safety and toxicity tests on vaccine humans. His research paper is to be published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.