Having said that, high level of cholesterol does not necessarily mean you need treatment. It depends on many things including family’s medical history and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, controlling cholesterol has many advantages, including a healthy heart.
Diet is the main factor that affects cholesterol. Eating lots of fatty foods, underactive thyroid gland and some rare liver, kidney disorders, heavy drinking, and obesity can also lead to excess cholesterol in blood.
Under the following circumstances it is advisable to get cholesterol checked up. One, if you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes or any disease that indicates vascular damage. Tow, if you are overweight, and have other risk factors for vascular disease like smoking, drinking alcohol. Third, if you have anyone in your family under the age of 55 who has suffered a stroke or a heart attack.
You can reduce the problems arising out of high cholesterol by examining your diet and lifestyle and cutting down on the unhealthy food. Reduce the quantity of alcohol, stop smoking, and start doing exercise regularly. Sone foods contain plant sterols and stanols would appear to have the ability to reduce cholesterol. These can be found in products such as plant-based margarine, yoghurts and milk drinks.