In the modern lifestyle, dealing with hair problems has become a common thing for every person. It mainly includes the problem of hair fall and white hair. At the same time, according to research published in 2016 in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, due to many diseases in India, people's hair starts turning white before 20 years or earlier.
Why Vitamin-C is important: Antioxidants are found in abundance in Vitamin-C which reduces the effect of aging.
Ascorbic acid, a form of this vitamin, is effective in removing the problem of hair fall. These vitamins are also helpful in the production of collagen, an essential element for hair. Vitamin C prevents hair thinning, improves hair texture, and repairs damaged hair. This vitamin also promotes hair growth.
What is the effect on the hair due to the deficiency of vitamin C:
For people who lack vitamin C in their body, their hair starts turning white prematurely, the problem of hair fall is seen. Apart from this, the lack of this vitamin causes dryness in the hair. The scalp starts getting dry and dry scabs to start to accumulate on the scalp. This weakens the hair from the roots.
How to overcome vitamin C Deficiency:
These vitamins are mainly found in citrus fruits, apart from this some vegetables are also considered to be the best source of vitamin C. Experts believe that daily intake of at least 3.8 grams of vitamin C improves blood circulation in the head and removes problems related to hair. Let us know which foods do not cause deficiency of Vitamin C in the body.
Which food to include for vitamin C deficiency?
Include these foods in the diet: By eating fruits like lemon, guava, papaya, grapefruit, orange, berries, sweet potato, the body will get enough vitamin C. Apart from this, eating vegetables like spinach, cabbage, broccoli and tomatoes will be beneficial.
Instead of hiding gray hair, ways to prevent premature graying of hair
Eat an antioxidant-rich diet
Your diet plays an important role in preventing gray hair. A diet rich in antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress. Antioxidant-rich foods include:
Fresh fruits and vegetables green tea Olive oil fish
Eliminate vitamin deficiencies
Anyone who has white hair due to vitamin deficiency should consume foods rich in those vitamins. such as seafood, eggs,
Due to the lack of vitamin C in the body, hair starts falling white; Know how to fill this gap
Vitamin C is important for hair and how this deficiency can be filled with the help of home remedies