The United Kingdom's main clinical officials have concurred that the COVID-19 danger level ought to be brought one indent down to "pandemic is by and large flow" from "transmission is high or rising exponentially".
The Joint Biosecurity Center suggested the COVID-19 alarm level should move to level 3 - a COVID-19 pestilence is as a rule course - from level 4 - a COVID-19 scourge is all in all flow; transmission is high or rising exponentially.
"There has been a consistent lessening in cases we have found in every one of the four countries, and this proceeds," the main clinical officials of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland said.
"It doesn't imply that the pandemic is finished. The infection is still all in all flow, and confined episodes are probably going to happen."
The United Kingdom has a COVID-19 demise tally of in excess of 50,000 dependent on authentic information including fatalities where it is referenced on death testaments, making it one of the most exceedingly terrible hit nations on the planet.
More than 8.5 million individuals have been accounted for to be contaminated by the novel coronavirus comprehensively and 452,992​ have kicked the bucket, as indicated by a Reuters count.
At the point when the UK danger level was presented in mid-May, the level was set at 4 - "a COVID-19 pestilence is by and large dissemination; transmission is high or rising exponentially".
"The UK moving to a lower ready level is a defining moment for the nation, and a genuine demonstration of the British individuals' assurance to beat this infection," Health Secretary Matt Hancock said.