Computer Vision Syndrome or digital eye strain is perhaps now the most common eye problem suffered in all age groups. Be it the adults working on their laptops or children receiving their schooling, screens are now an imminent part of our lives. This can cause us to develop severe eye strain. The more time spent in front of the screen the more damage it can accuse to your eyes. Some common symptoms observed are eyestrain, tired eyes, irritation, burning sensation, redness, blurred vision, and double vision. Alarming damage can be caused by using the screen for a prolonged period of time. A study estimates that using screens for more than 3 hours will result in 90% of all US citizens developing CVS.
- Dry eyes
- Redness
- Blurred vision
- Double vision
- Itchiness
- Pain
- Burning sensation
- Musculoskeletal problems
Maintain Distance - One of the best things you can do to restrict pressure on your eyes is to keep your distance from the screen. Initially, it was recommended to maintain a distance of 16 to 30 inches from the screen/. but now research says to increase the distance to 35 - 40 inches while making sure the screen is placed 10-20Ëš below the eye level.
Lighting - many of us don’t focus on the area lighting. It is more important than the light emitting from the screen. If you use natural sunlight, then make sure during the afternoon, you should dim it a little to take away its harshness. With artificial light, place it in such a way that it doesn’t pierce directly in your eyes. Also, the best light for safe eyes is sodium lamps.
Computer glasses - Glasses are proven by research as an excellent medium that restricts the loss of hydration from your eyes. Consult your doctor and manufacture glasses that are fit for long hours in front of the screen. The solution could be micro-environment glasses (MEGS) or occupational progressive lenses.