Due to an unprecedented pandemic situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and with Maharashtra being it’s epicentre, our Public Health Infrastructure needs help to manage a huge overload on the system. Through ‘Covid-Madat’, people who suspect they might have COVID-19 symptoms can call on the helpline 09513615550.
National Health Mission Maharashtra, Pune Platform for COVID Response (PPCR), ‘Telemeds Vs Covid19’ group and Maharashtra State Innovation Society have come together to launch ‘COVID-Madat’, a telemedicine helpline for people to tele-screen themselves for COVID-related symptoms.
After a call is made, the person has to answer some specific questions. Depending on their answers they get a call-back by a doctor within minutes, and are tele-consulted on phone to determine if they could be a COVID-19 affected person or may have some other ailments. This support is available in Marathi, English and Hindi languages.
A focused list of possible and risky COVID-affected people that emerges out of this platform is then sent to the Health Department of the Maharashtra Government so that they can take relevant action. People with other ailments are also helped through non-COVID health system.