Calcium is a kind of mineral, it is very important for our body. It strengthens the teeth and protects the bones from weakening in the body. There is too much calcium is found in the teeth and bones. Apart from this, it helps in the functions of the skeleton and other bones of the body.
Small amounts of calcium in the body contribute to other important functions. For example, muscles work by contracting arteries and transmitting messages to the nervous system.
Calcium is needed in the parts of the body for the work of the heart towards other organs. Lack of calcium in the body increases the risk of many diseases, which mainly include osteoporosis and osteopenia.
Need of Calcium Supplements
Calcium deficiency in children makes it difficult to grow. The doctor examines the blood for calcium deficiency. If calcium deficiency is found in your body, then the doctor advises you to eat calcium-rich foods. Apart from this, some may recommend taking calcium supplements. Keeping this in mind, do not take any kind of supplements without medical advice.
Let us tell you in detail about the deficiency of calcium.
Do not take it lightly if you are facing muscle cramps, low bone density, toothache, or menstrual pain.
Why is calcium important for the body?
it also helps in blood clotting. It also helps in the early development of babies and building muscles. Calcium deficiency can cause weak nails, toothache, menstrual pain, increased heart rate, and pulse problems.
According to a report, most of the Indians in the age group of 14 to 20 years are suffering from calcium deficiency. Vegetables, yogurt, almonds, and cheese are its sources.
What is hypocalcemia?
Calcium deficiency, also called hypocalcemia, occurs when you do not get enough calcium. One must be aware of the importance of calcium for good health.
People who are deficient in calcium should not take medicines on their own and should not take supplements in large quantities. Consult a doctor and take supplements with a healthy diet.
Calcium deficiency can also occur with age
Calcium deficiency can also occur with age. As we age, bones become thinner and less dense, which increases the demand for calcium.
Why does the body lack calcium?
Calcium deficiency can also occur due to starvation and malnutrition, hormone disturbances, premature delivery, and malabsorption. Malabsorption occurs when our body is unable to absorb vitamins and minerals from the diet.
So, start including calcium today in your daily diet.
(Disclaimer: The content on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other health professionals for any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.)