1. It is normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis. Talking to people you trust can help. Stay in touch with your loved ones and connect with them.
2. Do the work you have done in the past to help you face challenges and manage stress. Know that you have developed to manage your emotions and use them in the meantime.
3. Be aware that everything said about COVID-19 is not accurate. Visit trusted sources such as your state or local health department, CDC or World Health Organization.
4. If you are living at home, eat well, sleep soundly, exercise regularly and have good social contact with loved ones by phone or video chat.
5. Reduce your stress and fear by looking at how much time you spend reading the news or on social media, especially when you feel the information is disturbing.
6. Deal with your feelings in a healthy way. If you feel the need, prepare a plan in case you hesitate to talk to a counselor or therapist.