Coronavirus infection has been spreading tragedy all over the world for the last 2 years. New variants of the corona that are constantly coming to the fore are increasing the risk of infection. After the end of the third wave of the corona, the danger of the fourth wave of corona in the world remains constant. In some countries, the current situation of corona infection is considered to be the fourth wave.
Amidst all this, The Lancet Respiratory Medicine journal has made a big disclosure about corona infection. It has been said in this report that even after two years of being infected with corona, more than half of the people admitted to the hospital are showing at least one symptom.
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine report states that even after recovering from corona, symptoms of long covid persist in more than half of the patients even after 2 years. It has been said in this study that after recovery in corona-infected patients, their physical and mental health has improved, but in most of these people, symptoms of long covid persist for a long time.
Long impact on the health of people suffering from corona
According to the study, a longer effect has been seen on the health of people suffering from corona than the common people. However, the study also said that more information is still needed about the effect of long covid, so that its impact on people's health can be reduced. It has been told in the study that more than half of the patients who were infected with corona who were admitted to the hospital are showing symptoms of long covid or a symptom of corona even after 2 years. This has indicated that it is necessary to keep an eye on this situation for a long time. The Lancet medical journal states that more research and studies are needed on this to fully cure such patients.
More than 1 thousand people took part in the study. In this study in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine journal, 1,192 people who were infected during the first wave of corona took part. It has been said in this study that corona-infected patients admitted to the hospital need more than 2 years to recover completely. According to this study, patients who were admitted to the hospital after being infected with corona are showing some symptoms of corona even after 2 years of recovery.
According to Professor Bin Cao of Sino-Japan Friendship Hospital, the head of this Lancet study, the results found in this study are indicating that hospitalized corona-infected patients need to be cured properly. More than a year is needed. He has said in a statement that people who are in the grip of coronavirus infection need constant investigation and monitoring. Apart from this, people who have seen severe symptoms during corona infection need constant monitoring for their good recovery and treatment. More research is needed on the effect of treatment, vaccine, and new variants on such people
What are the symptoms of long covid?
Symptoms of long covid are already being seen in many patients infected with corona. In this report of the Lancet, it has also been said that even after two years of recovery in corona-infected patients, symptoms of long covid are showing in them. Earlier, in a study done in America, it was also confirmed that patients infected with corona are showing some symptoms even after recovery.
Long covid is actually called such symptoms which persist for a long time in patients even after recovery from infection. Symptoms of long covid are also being seen in people whose body mass index is high. The major symptoms of Long Kovid that have been reported in this study include shortness of breath, extreme tiredness, difficulty in sleeping, muscle pain etc.
This report in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Journal states that it can take up to 2 years for patients to fully recover after being infected with corona. More than 1 thousand people infected during the first wave were included in this study. The study has suggested that there is a need to take new steps for extreme monitoring and treatment of such patients.