Amid the coronavirus pandemic, there is also a huge load of chronic diseases that are stressing out each and every one. This is adding an additional burden on the healthcare system. Many people are unable to manage lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension and are getting admitted to the hospital with serious implications. Moreover, unbearable neck, joint, and muscle pain, obesity, anxiety, and other problems have also become a matter of concern. It is the need of the hour to manage these serious issues by embracing a healthy lifestyle. Know about the vital tips that can help you improve your quality of life.
Most of us have started complaining of joint problems and obesity owing to the sedentary lifestyle during the lockdown. Habits like binge eating, not taking medication as suggested by the doctor, and neglecting treatment has also been a matter of concern amid pandemic.
Here are some tips to cope up with lifestyle diseases and work from home during the pandemic
Stick to a well-balanced diet inclusive of all the vital vitamins and nutrients. Make sure you eat fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, and pulses on a daily basis. Avoid spicy, oily, junk, canned, and processed foods. Stay hydrated and practice portion control. Maintain your body weight. Avoid smoking, drinking and foods with artificial sweeteners and flavors.
Watch your posture while you work from home. Working too long in improper posture will lead to back and neck pain. Thus, it is essential to take breaks as and when required. You can stand, walk or even stretch. Also, try to cut down on your usage of electronic gadgets. Avoid lifting any heavy objects and in case, you have to lift any heavy objects then squat and lift them, or else you will suffer from back pain.
Start exercising on an immediate basis. Exercise 3-4 hours per week. Exercising is a boon for those who want to maintain blood sugar levels, hypertension, tackle obesity, stress, and joint pain.
For stress, practice yoga and meditation as and when you get time. Avoid watching distressing news. Invest time doing your favorite things. This will give you happiness.
For mental health issues, seek help from experts timely.