Spices not only make food tasty but also cure many health-related problems. For example, cloves are also used to flavour tea with food. There are many benefits of cloves.
Helpful in toothache - Toothache is cured by eating cloves. Cloves have pain-relieving properties. In such a situation, if you have pain in your tooth, then keep the clove pressed in the middle of your tooth.
Prevent infections - Cloves have antibacterial and anti-microbial properties. Which means it can provide protection against infections caused by bacteria or other microorganisms. If there is an infection somewhere on the skin, it is advisable to apply clove paste on the sore area.
Aids in acidity - Consuming clove on an empty stomach in the morning ends digestion-related problems. Cloves increase the secretion of digestive enzymes, which is effective in preventing or curing digestion problems.
Prevents acne and pimples - If you get pimples on your face due to oily skin, then you should put clove paste in aloe vera gel and apply it on the pimples. This cures pimples.
Get rid of bad breath - If your mouth smells bad when you wake up in the morning or if there is a pain in the gums, then press a clove in your mouth daily, this will gradually stop the smell from the mouth.
Useful in stomach ulcers - Clove can be of great help in treating stomach ulcers. These ulcers usually occur due to the reduction of the protective layer of the stomach, in which eating cloves is beneficial.