Recently, Scotland Parliament has taken a path beaking decision to provide free sanitary products to all the women of the country. All the places have already been identified where the products would be made available such community centres, youth clubs and pharmacies.
While arguing on this topic at the Parliament, the bill proposer Monica Lenon said, "Passing it would be a milestone moment for normalizing menstruation in Scotland and sending out that real signal to people in this country about how seriously Parliament takes gender equality." Another parliamentarian, Mr Alison Johnstone, raised question to hightlight the issue and asked, "Why is it in 2020 that toilet paper is seen as a necessity but period products are not? Being financially penalized for a natual bodily function is not equitable or just."It will be worth mentioning that the Scotland Government has already been shown the same kind of helpful nature while providing free sanitary products in schools, colleges and universities since 2018.
However, sanitary products at UK are taxed at 5%. Former PM of UK, Mr David Cameron once said that it would also like to end this "tampoon tax" but, no final decision has been taken on this issue.
In India, menstruation is still a big taboo. By evaluating the present scenario such type of progressive step by the Government is a far-fledged dream for the Indian Women. But, now this is a hightime at least we should start discussing about menstruation as a normal physical norm of the nature.