Weight loss is not an easy task. It required a lot of determination and dedication to be focused on weight loss. For weight loss, you need to follow a strict regime of exercise, diet, and many home remedies. One should take care not to skip meals while losing weight. Coupling up exercise with yoga can give more effective results. But you will be surprised to know that one such activity which is also known as SLEEPING, can also work effectively towards reducing weight. Yes, you read it right, you can lose weight while sleeping. So, let us get started on how to lose weight while sleeping and the right way to follow it.
5 Ways To Lose Weight While Sleeping
Majority of us fall asleep immediately after having a meal. Sleeping immediately after eating effects the digestion process and slows down the metabolism. This may cause a major increase in weight. It is important to eat your food 3 - 4 hours before sleeping to maintain an ideal weight. To boost your metabolism, you can also go for a walk after eating food.
Drinking green tea before sleeping
Green tea is considered a great remedy for weight loss. It contains antioxidants including flavonoids which are great for metabolism and immunity power. People who have a habit of eating and drinking something before meals are advised to take green tea. Drinking green tea before bed can help boost metabolism and reduce weight.
Sleep without a sheet or blanket
When you sleep in a colder-than-hot temperature, it proves helpful in increasing metabolism. Sleeping without blankets or sheets helps in burning more calories from the body. Research on sleeping without sheets and blankets has revealed that lower room temperature increases the amount of good brown fat, which helps the body to get rid of extra blood sugar and burn more calories.
Drink a casein protein shake
Casein is a slow-digesting dairy protein that is consumed as a supplement. Drinking a casein protein shake 1 hour before bedtime helps in boosting metabolism. Patients suffering from diabetes, kidney, and thyroid should consult a doctor and dietician before using casein protein shakes.
Try Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting depletes the sugar stores present in the body and starts burning fat. Do not eat anything for at least 4 hours before going to sleep at night. During this time, you can drink only water.