‘This pandemic has been a blessing to some and a curse to many’ says, Aparna Mishra, Founder, CWEHUB
Today India has 13.5–15.7 million women-owned enterprises, representing 20% of all enterprises. While large in absolute numbers, these businesses are overwhelmingly single person enterprises, which provide direct employment for an estimated 22 to 27 million people. “Compared to 2 years back, the situation has changed tremendously as compared to now. People are becoming more active; students are moving into start up roles and not looking out for jobs as in the previous decades where nobody thought of starting something of their own,†says Aparna Mishra, Founder, Women Shine and Cafebiz Women Entrepreneurs Hub (CWEHUB). Today at Medicircle Presents ‘Rendezvous with Smita Kumar’ we proudly welcome Aparna Mishra, Founder, Women Shine and Cafebiz Women Entrepreneurs Hub (CWEHUB). She is a business Coach for Small Businesses, Micro Entrepreneurs, Women Entrepreneurs, and Startups in Sales, Strategy, and Marketing & Operations Domains while also being a POSH Enabler, impaneled with the Ministry of Women and Child Development, GOI. Watch full video and know more about Aparna’s Journey only on Medicircle Presents, ‘Rendevous with Smita Kumar’