While more research is needed to fully understand the impact of chewing on brain health, the findings suggest that something as simple as choosing crunchier, ... Mar 20
While modern life makes it easy to reach for convenience foods, the findings of this study make one thing clear: what we eat today affects ... Mar 11
While adults may benefit from intermittent fasting, younger individuals should exercise caution. This study serves as a reminder that not all health trends are one-... Feb 19
Doing regular exercise and reducing calorie intake effectively reduces visceral fat. By losing 5-10% of your body weight, you can improve blood sugar, blood ... May 30
Obese children are more likely to develop hypertension, diabetes, and cholesterol in later years of life. Find out how you can help your child prevent ... Jan 11
Let us know some incredible health benefits of sitting down and eating food ... Sep 13
We have cliched ideas in our mind when we hear the term “mindful eatingâ€. We either connect it to thinking about the poor and needy ... May 29
... Mar 17